Born at 7:02pm
Weight 5lbs 15oz
Length 19.5 inches
Here's a photo of Zakary - 4 hours old.
We started having labor pains Sunday around 2am and lasted all night. That morning we had a doctor's appointment, and when we arrived we told them that we were experiencing labor pains. After an hour of monitoring they sent us home and told us that we could go to the hospital where they can monitor us there (for ease of mind) or go home and if the labor pains continue and there are 5 contractions in an hour - go to the hospital.
Well we ended up going to the hospital at 3pm - not expecting to give birth. Olivier said "what do you want to bring?" Rachelle said "Nothing, they will probably send us home..." While we were getting admitted, Rachelle's water broke. The nurse came and she confirmed, "Well we're having this baby today.." The nurse called our doctor - the c-section was scheduled for 630pm!
How exciting, crazy, and nerve racking! Olivier was so excited, Rachelle was nervous, mad, and excited - mad because we were not ready for our "little bundle of joy"; we were going to buy all the stuff we needed (the the baby's room and all the supplies) the beginning of March - we didn't have a crib, or a car seat!
Olivier was calling/texting everyone - the good news. Olivier call Tracey - Rachelle's sister, and future God Mother - to tell her the news and she said "What should I do?" Olivier said "Tell mom and dad!" Robb - best man at our wedding, and future God Father, Laura good friend and future God Mother, and Dan -Laura's husband, and our good friend - came to the hospital to await the birth.
630pm we head over to the operating room - both so nervous! C-section went well.. and "It's a Boy!" Rachelle jokingly said "Are you sure?!" Olivier is filming the birth and cuts the umbilical cord - then accompanies Zakary to the NICU. Olivier deliver's the good news to Robb, Laura, Dan, grandparents -

Zakary was in the NICU for a couple of hours for observation, since he was doing so well, he was transferred to our room around 11pm that night.

This was the first time that I got to hold Zakary! It was nice having Zakary so close with us - it was a long night for Olivier...
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